Transport Tales Volume 2 - Single? #transporttales

Transport Tales Volume 2 - Single? #transporttales

single bus tickets
For volume 2, we're bringing you buses! From the driver's eye: 
Here's a rather lovely story from bus driver Andrew: "I am a bus driver for Stagecoach. One day I was driving my bus when a pedestrian flagged down the bus at the bus stop. I stopped the bus and this sweet little old lady got on and was rummaging in her handbag for her pass. She could not find it and I explained to her that she would, unfortunately, have to pay on this occasion. She said no problem and said “how much is it” and I replied “single?” To my amusement, she replied, “Why? Do you want to go on a date driver?!”. That absolutely made my afternoon and had me in creases." 
Do you have a transport tale to share? Then do fill in the form on our transport tales page to share your story with us. Or share it on social media using the hashtag #transporttales 
Intrigued what stagecoach moquette looks like? Take a look here.
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