Moquette Store + Office News

Moquette Store + Office News

Well then, it has been a little while since an update on how our new space is taking shape... Not loads has happened in the last week or so because my to-do list has been a little less practical - but I did get the chance to save us oodles of space!

luggage trolley in office

Above: On the left our 'temporary' store for moquette when we first moved in - a 1980's BR Luggage Trolley. 

When we first moved in we opted to do the environmentally thing and use human power rather than petrol - we shifted everything into the space using a 1980's British Rail Luggage Trolley; once we had moved everything that needed to be moved we then left the trolley in the space and optimised it as a make-shift store for some of our rolls of fabric, this took up vital space and tied up a photo prop. 

wood work

Above: The making of out trolley's replacement. 

So the only thing for it was to make a proper storage system for our fabric, this involved a trip down to the sawmill to pick up some 2x4 and screws. After a few hours and a considerable amount of sweat, et voila: 

moquette store

Above: Our finished moquette store.

Oh, I also got the chance to have fun with a train table... The issue with train tables and seats is that they're usually bolted to a floor and a wall, so placing them anywhere where you can't bolt them down has proven to be tricky. But with the help of Facebook Marketplace I was able to source a stylish set of legs that were perfect for the job. 

Train table with new legs

Above: Table from a GWR first class mk3 carriage with nifty legs.

We may also be getting a coffee machine... Watch this space. 


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